
Thinking through how Christians look to others.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Getting Ready...

As I'm working on our website, I'm thinking of new beginnings and getting prepared. This month I started a new Bible study called The Amazing Collection. It's a fantastic journey through the Bible book by book. In Genesis, I learned how God was already pointing the way to Christ. When Adam and Eve sinned God sacrificed an animal - spilt innocent blood - and covered their shame. When the people of the earth had turned away from God and He decided to destroy the earth, He still provided a way to salvation in the form of an Ark. For 120 years as Noah labored away, he told everyone to get ready, a flood was coming and this was the only way out.

I'm excited to see how God pointed the way to His perfect gift of redemption throughout each book of the Bible. That gift of redemption is His son, Jesus; it is available to all who accept it - no matter the color of our skin, the religion we were born into or even our sexual orientation. We can do nothing to earn it - we simply aren't good enough - all we can do is accept it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cara, how do I send you a picture of my new shirt?

9:30 AM  

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