A New Season
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Cooler weather promises a break from the heat; it makes me more energetic and eager for all of the wonderful holidays and traditions that this season kicks-off.
It reminds us that everything has its own season and that all things are temporary. This is a new season in life for me. I'm starting a new venture and that has me racing around, writing down ideas, researching, working, and creating new ideas both day and night.
It also reminds me of my seasons with God. True, He's a God that never changes - His love is constant and unconditional (thank goodness for that); but I am an ever-changing creature. I ebb and flow. My relationship with God depends on how much time and effort I put into it. Am I too busy for God or do I give him the time and attention He deserves? How about you? One of the most wonderful things about God is He is always there. When we realize we've strayed away from Him, we always know exactly where to find Him.